Videos via CDN

I’m posting this for a friend, to demonstrate what a CDN is and how it can be used for videos.

Here’s a video another friend of mine gave shortly before he tragically lost his life:

The video above is using’s streaming service, where the video is transcoded and there are options to configure the player however you’d like (buttons, colors, watermarks, advertising, etc.)

The video is being served from a content delivery network – it’s stored on fast servers located across the country, and when people view it the video streams from the server closest to them. This means it’s fast for everyone, and it doesn’t need to be stored and streamed from this server. So if the video goes viral and 10,000 people want to watch it at once, then they can – they won’t overpower the Internet connection of this server.

This isn’t free though. Watching this probably costs me a penny. In the grand scheme of things, though, it’s a great solution.



